Faculty Members
- Abel Baerga, Ph.D.
Email: abel.baerga@upr.edu
Research: Biosynthesis of natural products.
Contact: 787-758-2525 X-1603 -1640 | Lab: RCM
Web Page: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/biochemistry/
Profile: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/biochemistry/dt_team/dr-abel-baerga-ortiz/
- Abimael Rodríguez, Ph.D.
Email: abimael.rodriguez1@upr.edu
Research: New bioactive compounds from marine organisms.
Contact: 787-764-0000 X. 88575 | Lab: Molecular Sciences Building
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=abimael-d-rodriguez
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Abimael_D_Rodriguez
- Adelfa E. Serrano, Ph.D.
Email: adelfa.serrano@upr.edu
Research: RCMI-Center for Molecular Genetics and Infectious Diseases
Contact: Office: (787) 758-2525, X-1313; | Lab: (787) 758-2525, X-2217, X-1314 | Rm A-310, Rm A-346, Rm A 349
Profile: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/micro/dt_team/dr-adelfa-e-serrano/
Email: alfredo.ghezzi@upr.edu
Research: Molecular Neuroscience, Behavioral Genetics, Neuroadaptation and Addiction
Contact: 787-764 0000 X. 32767, 32767 | Lab: JGD-203
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alfredo_Ghezzi
Email: lupita1029@gmail.com
Research: Development of bioselective electrodes.
Contact: 787-764-0000 X-88537 | Lab: FB-101A
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=ana-r-guadalupe-quinones
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ana_Guadalupe_Quinones
Email: seeds.andrew@gmail.com
Research: Neural Circuits and Behavior
Contact: 787-721-4149 X-236 | Lab: 318 Instituto de Neurobiología, San Juan
Web Page: http://www.seedshampellab.com/
Profile: https://www.cienciapr.org/en/user/seedsa
Email: anthony.washington@upr.edu
Research: Inmuno-hemostasis
Contact: X-88149 -88150 | Lab: JGD-215
Web Page: https://uprmdacc.upr.edu/
Profile: https://uprmdacc.upr.edu/profile-uprmdacc/792-a-valance
Email: atinoco9278@gmail.com
Research: Development of Ti(IV)-based anticancer comleses using FE(III) chelating ligands that model the metal binding site of transferring.
Contact: X-88510 | Lab: FB-102
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=arthur-d-tinoco
Email: brad@hpcf.upr.edu
Research: Nanoparticles for cancer imaging.
Contact: X-55574 | Lab. FB-147
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=brad-r-weiner
Email: brunomariemail@gmail.com
Research: Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Synaptic Homeostasis
Contact: 787-724-1024
Web Page: http://www.neuro.upr.edu/
Profile: http://www.neuro.upr.edu/?q=dr.-b.-marie
Email: carlos.cabrera2@upr.edu
Research: Analytical Chemistry (electrochemistry), Hotoelectrochemistry Batteries, Electrocatalysis (fuel cells), Surface Analysis.
Contact: Office 787-523-5310
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=carlos-cabrera
Email: cigonzalez@uprrp.edu
Research: Post-Transcriptional control of gene expression.
Contact: X-88121 -88122 | Lab. JGD-107
Web Page: http://cicim.upr.edu/faculty-members/
Email: carlos.jimenez8@upr.edu
Research: Changes in Ih current channel’s subunites 2 and 4 during the expression of cocaine sensitization.
Contact: 787-758-2525, X-1676 -1677 | Lab. RCM A-688, A-682
Web Page: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/physiology/
Profile: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/physiology/dt_team/dr-carlos-a-jimenez-rivera/
Email: dalice.pinerocruz@uprrp.edu
Research: Synthesis of metal complexees and multidimensional networks for their application. / Materials sciences and Nanomedicine
Contact: 787-764-0000 X. 88559 | Lab. FB 135C
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=Dalice-M-PInERO-CRUZ
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dalice_Pinero_Cruz
Email: eduardo.caro1@upr.edu
Research: Pharmacology
Contact: 787-758-2525 X-5433
Web Page: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/faculty/
Profile: https://pr.linkedin.com/in/eduardo-j-e-caro-diaz-b8999396
Email: eduardo.nicolau@upr.edu
Research: Analytical: Studies on the efficiency of polymeric bio-nanomaterials for applications in bone tissue engineering and sensing of metabolites.
Contact: X-88567 | Lab. FB-314
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=eduardo-nicolau
Email: esther.peterson@upr.edu
Reasearch: Breast Cancer: the role of the cytoskeleton and EGFR signal transduction pathway
Contact: 787-764 0000 X. 88129, 88130 | Lab: JGD-116
Email: gary.toranzos@upr.edu
Research: Environmental Microbiology Ecology.
Contact: X-88118 – 88119 | Lab. JGD-102
Web Page: https://www.asm.org/Biographies/Gary-Toranzos
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Gary_Toranzos
Email: gregoryjquirk@gmail.com
Research: Neuronal mechanism of learning and extinction of fear.
Contact: 787-999-3058 | Lab. RCM A-682
Web Page: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/anatomyneurobiology/
Profile: https://md.rcm.upr.edu/anatomyneurobiology/dr-gregory-j-quirk/
Email: ingrid.montes2@upr.edu
Research: Synthesis and characterization of 1,1″-diacetyl
Contact: 787-764-0000 X. 88502 | Lab: CN – 319
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=ingrid-montes
Profile: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/college-to-career/chemists/montes.html
Email: jorge1962cr@gmail.com
Research: Biosensors and drug delivery using layered inorganic nanomaterials.
Contact: X-88543 | Lab. FB-105
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=jorge-l-colon
Email: jose.agosto1@upr.edu
Research: Genetic control of sleep and circadian rhythms in the Drosophila Melanogaster.
Contact: X-88064 | Lab. NCN
Web Page: http://biology.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://biology.uprrp.edu/research/view_employee.php?id=196
Email: jlasalde@gmail.com
Research: Acetylcholine receptor structure and function; Lipid-protein interactions in biological membranes; Neuronal acetylcholine receptor and nicotine addiction.
Contact: X-88125 -88126 | Lab. JGD-114
Web Page: http://nachrs.org/
Profile: http://nachrs.org/pi-info/
Email: jose.rodriguez233@upr.edu
Research: Functional genomics, molecular recognition of nucleid acids, gene regulation, protein DNA interactions, transcription factors, biophysics.
Contact: X-88131 | Lab. JGD-120
Web Page: http://biology.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://biology.uprrp.edu/department_info/view_employee.php?id=397
Email: jegarcia@hpcf.upr.edu
Research: In vivo and in vitro development of the peripheral nervous system; Neuropeptides and neurotransmitters nervous system regeneration in invertebrates.
Contact: X-88151 -88152 | Lab. JGD-220
Web Page: http://neuroid.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://neuroid.uprrp.edu/index.php/team/dr-jose-e-garcia-arraras/
Email: jmrivort@gmail.com
Research: Organic Chemistry: Molecular recognition, Supramolecular chemistry, Nanotechnology, Bioorganic chemistry, Organic synthesis.
Contact: X-88575
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=jose-rivera
Email: jose.colonsaez@upr.edu
Research: Understanding the role of nAChR’s in the development of inflammation and subsequent neurodegeneration which has been shown to be involved in the development of many disease states such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease as well as HIV associated neurocognitive disorders
Contact: 787-758-2525 X- 5090 | Lab: Anexo 321
Web Page: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/faculty/
Email: kai.griebenow@gmail.com
Research: Biochemistry: Structure-guided protein encapsulation, non-aqueous enzymology, protein formulation, protein stability, protein glycosylation, relationship between protein structural dynamics and enzyme activity, PEG modification of proteins, bio-fuel cells.
Contact: X-88537 | Lab: FB-215
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=kai-hans-griebenow
Email: liz.diaz2@upr.edu
Research: Scientific Communication in Diverse Educational Contexts
Contact: 787-764 0000 X. 83503 | CN-129
Web Page: https://www.researchgate.net/
Profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Liz_Diaz
Email: magaly.martinez1@upr.edu
Research: Cancer Research. Inflammatory mediators of prostate cancer metastasis and response to curcumin.
Contact: 787-772-8300 X-1106 -1403 | Lab. Centro Comprensivo de Cancer
Web Page: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/
Profile: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2016/09/Profile_Magaly_Martinez.pdf
Email: mark.miller@upr.edu
Research: Neural parasitology
Contact: (787)-721-4149
Web Page: http://www.neuro.upr.edu/
Profile: http://www.neuro.upr.edu/?q=markm
- Marvin Bayro, Ph.D.
Email: marvin.bayro@gmail.com
Research: Analysis of protein structure and dynamics in HIV maturation.
Contact: 787-523-5326
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=Marvin-Bayro
Program Director
Email: nestor.carballeira1@upr.edu
Research: Organic Chemistry: Organic reaction mechanisms, lipid chemistry and biosynthesis of marine natural products.
Contact: X-88561 | Lab. FB-119
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=nestor-m-carballeira
Email: omayol@ites.upr.edu
Research: Atmospheric Chemistry and Aerosols Research (ACAR)
Contact: 787-764-0000 X-88191 – 88192 | Lab: FB 001
Web page: http://web.ites.upr.edu/
Profile: http://web.ites.upr.edu/faculty-members/olga-l-mayol-bracero
Program Coordinator
Research: Biochemistry: How chemical nature of detergents affects the lipid composition of detergent-solubilized nAChR from Torpedo californica tissue.
Contact: X-88152 | Lab: FB-300
Web Page: http://nachrs.org/
Profile: http://nachrs.org/dt_team/orestes-quesada-gonzalez/
Email: pablo.vivas@upr.edu
Research: Microbiology – Ovarian Cancer
Contact: 787-772-8300 X- 1404
Profile: http://www.cccupr.org/investigacion/investigadores/pablo-vivas-mejias-phd/
Email: bayman.upr@gmail.com
Research: Mycology and plant pathology; Bioremediation; Mycotoxins.
Contact: X-88141 | Lab: JGD-205
Web Page: http://biology.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://biology.uprrp.edu/research/view_employee.php?id=92
Email: rpapa.lab@gmail.com
Research: Complex modular architecture around a simple toolkit of wing pattern genes
Contact: X-88133 | Lab: JGD-213
Web Page: http://ricpapa.wixsite.com/papa-riccardo-lab
Profile: http://ricpapa.wixsite.com/rpapalab/about
Email: torsten.stelzer@upr.edu
Research: Pharmaceutical crystallization, Small-scale manufacturing, Process intensification
Contact: 787-523-5303 | Lab: Molecular Sciences Building
Web Page: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/
Profile: http://farmacia.rcm.upr.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/15/2016/09/Profile_Torsten_Stelzer.pdf
Email: tugrul.giray@upr.edu
Research: Integrative study of behavioral and muscle development in a model system.
Contact: X-88135 -88136 | Lab: FB-246
Web page: http://biology.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://biology.uprrp.edu/department_info//view_employee.php?id=121
Email: vilmali.lopez@upr.edu
Research: Biocompatible, tailored, nanocrystals, drugs nanocarriers for cancer treatment.
Contact: X-88537 | Lab: FB-101A
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=Vilmali-Lopez-Mejias
Undergraduate Students
- Hernández Mejías, Angel
Research Work: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Majusculamide D Analogous Compounds:
Mentor: Eduardo Caro, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Jelú Reyes, Juliet
Research Work: Medicinal chemistry of cyanobacterial natural products: Synthesis of Majusculamide D analogs
Mentor: Abimael Rodríguez, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Jiménez Sacarello, Iancarlos
Research Work: Determining the role of ER36 in the molecular mechanisms of Inflammatory breast cancer stemness
- La Torre Poeymirou, Manuel J.
Research Work: Design and Characterization of Gold-Palladium Electrode Platforms for Cancer Detection
Mentor: Carlos R. Cabrera, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Martínez Huertas, Bianca
Research Work: Particulate Matter and Dust Concentrations in the Caribbean: A contribution to the development of Early Warning of Synoptic Air Quality
Mentor: Olga Mayol, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Martínez Ramos, Cristian D.
- Martínez Zayas, Gabriel
Research Work: Peptide Labeled Gold Liposomal nanoparticles for drug delivery into the Brain
Mentor: Pablo Vivas, Ph. D. | Biographical Sketch
- Nieves Santiago, Miguel A.
Research Work: Ferrocenyl derivatives with potential cholinergic effects
Mentor: Ingrid Montes, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Ortiz Alvarez de la Campa, Melanie
Research Work: Genetic Diversity and Pathogenicity of an Invasive Fungus
Mentor: Paul Bayman, Ph. D. | Biographical Sketch
- Quesada Díaz, Eduardo A.
Research Work: In vitro studies of the central nervous system of the sea cucumber Holothuria glaberrima
- Rodríguez Ortiz, Jael A.
Research Work: Self-activated self-assembly via the retro-thio-Michael reaction and its potential to develop in situ artificial organelles
Mentor: José M. Rivera, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
- Rojas Bowe, Gabriel
Research Work: Prelimbic cortex exerts bidirectional control of active avoidance through inputs to ventral striatum and basolateral amygdala
Mentor: Gregory Quirk, Ph.D. | Biographical Sketch
Staff Members
- Grisselle I. Hernández
Email: rise.upr@gmail.com
Contact: X-88300 | FB-300
- Néstor M. Carballeira, Ph.D.
Program Director
Email: nestor.carballeira1@upr.edu
Research: Organic Chemistry: Organic reaction mechanisms, lipid chemistry and biosynthesis of marine natural products.
Contact: X-88561 | Lab. FB-119
Web Page: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/
Profile: http://chemistry.uprrp.edu/index.php?page=nestor-m-carballeira
- Orestes Quesada, Ph.D.
Program Coordinator
Research: Biochemistry: How chemical nature of detergents affects the lipid composition of detergent-solubilized nAChR from Torpedo californica tissue.
Contact: X-88152 | Lab: FB-300
Web Page: http://nachrs.org/
Profile: http://nachrs.org/dt_team/orestes-quesada-gonzalez/